Sunday, 18 August 2013

Visit the Basilica from late 5th century, known as the red Church next to Plovdiv

Hidden in the middle of sunflower fields, mountains and few industry chimneys the Red Church next to Perushtitsa expect nowadays visitors more proudly than ever. The rests of this late Roman Christian basilica (originally built in the 5th/6th century) has been beautifully restored and opened to public in April 2013. The Red Church is a rare example of solid brick construction in a church from Late Antiquity in Bulgaria, and it was the red colour of the bricks that gave the church its name.

The floor of the church was covered with mosaics and the interior was decorated with frescoes. Currently few frescoes under the arches (one old from the original church and few from the later stage in 11th century) are amazing the visitors. They are for sure the wow-part of the discovery of this old temple. This magic place is actually just 15 min drive from Plovdiv and 1 km before the town of Perushtitsa. Definitely worth the stop. There is only one sign and a path of around 10 min walk will bring you to this treasure!


Albatross said...

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

LilliStJohn said...

This is an amazing discovery - and in my thought - a wonderful place to discover and visit. I do enjoy very much, that you bring us virtually to places we might never get to - you share with us unknown treasures and history and many beautiful places and then something quite simple and enchanting like a walk in the forest near your home. Thank you Jana :)

Dzjiedzjee said...

Wat een prachtige serie Jana. Mijn complimenten!

Lies said...

Een 'schat', Jana !

Filip and Kristel said...

Remains of the Roman empire. Nice.


papillon said...

Hallo Jana,

wunderschöne Bilder. Was diese "Steine" wohl schon alles gesehen haben. Wir hoffen, dass ihr einen schönen Sommer erlebt.

Barb said...

Jana - What a wonderful old church, open to the elements and still so beautiful. That sunflower photo is amazing - the one yellow face upturned with all the others bowed.

betchai said...

wow, very interesting structure preserved.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Ancient and exposed to the elements, it seem a cross between a magnificent old church and a farm ruin. Without inspection you would have no idea of the hidden art works.