Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 31 July 2011

The fountains of Munich/ Münchner Brunnen...

The center of the Bavarian capital is extremely rich on fountains...and there are all kinds, majestic and big ones, tiny but artistic ones, simple and impressive: there is something for every taste! With my pictures I would like to give you a short digital tour to those which I liked most:-)
On the eastern side of the square near the Neues Rathaus sits the Fischbrunnen (Fish Fountain). It's Munich's most famous and oldest fountain - some believe it goes back as early as the 1300s. Fishmongers kept their fish fresh in the fountain when this was the piscatorial part of the old market. It was the site of bizarre initiation ceremony called the Metzgersprung (Butcher's Leap) which took place regularly until 1900 and continues in an altered form to this day. 
Apparently animals (and fishes) are very loved subject as I have found (not even 50 m from Hofbräuhaus) the fountain with the wolves heads...On the way to the Residenz, on the Marstallplatz one may admire the fountain on picture five...

Very pistoresque and full with beautiful details is the water refresher in the garden next to the Cuvillestheater.

Monday 25 July 2011

New gates in China Town den Haag

What makes a Chinese quarter (in Europe) really Chinese...the names of the streets in Chinese or something else?! China Town in den Haag has got two really impressive stone gates, which were inaugurated in January 2010. The are lighted in the night and together with the traditional Chinese street lamps the neighbourhood gets indeed the Asian touch and feeling!

The beautiful gates emphasise the fact that The Hague and China have maintained trade relations for 100 years. The Municipality of The Hague commissioned Chinese architect Momoko Cai and the Shanghai Tayjuan construction company to design and construct the gates. 

Saturday 23 July 2011

Colourful Bosa, Sardinia

The first picture you see in this blog is the first sight I had ever set on the colourful town Bosa, located on the West coast of Sardinia...Driving from the east cost to the west the road offer this amazing panorama view on Bosa. Bosa is the only river side town in the whole of Sardinia. The river is very deeply connected to the tradition and history of the town. It is thanks to the fertility of its soil and its position that Bosa was inhabited since ancient times, the territory is in fact scattered with historical monuments like the Serravalle Castle, which was built by the Malaspina family in the XII century.

A more recent area is Bosa Marina, the extension of the town on the coast. Bosa Marina beach is a long and deep stretch of sand.

Thursday 21 July 2011

The underwater world in Sardinia: fishes and stars

...and after the crustaceans and the nudibranches, today I will present you some charming and some scary fishes:-) Some of them were enjoying being photographed...not the moray eel though!

The sea stars, also know as star fishes, are actually echinoderms and show a wide range of colours.

Monday 18 July 2011

Sardinian cuisine or "buono mangiare in Sardegna"

Sardinia is not only island of high mountains and wonderful beaches, but also a place with tons of fruit trees and other local yummy products..This entry is dedicated to some specialties of the Sardinian cuisine. As a starter one may always take Sardinian cheese: "pecorino sardo" or "dolce sardo" or "formaggio di capra"...
The Sardinian pasta "malloreddus" (on the picture above) is usually served with meat and tomato sauce, while "risotto marinara" offers the abundance of seafood in rice.
And to the sweets:-))
The "pardulas" are one of the most famous pastry here. There are made with fresh ricotta cheese and orange or lemon peels....The ones on the picture were made by Sabrina, the owner of our B&B in Chia. And last but not least lets enjoy the most famous Sardinian dessert: "seadas" or "sebadas". A dough pancake filled with ricotta cheese filling, grilled and then served warm with some yummy local honey on the top....

Saturday 16 July 2011

The underwater world in Sardinia: nudibranches

Sardinian nudibranch
A nudibranch is a soft-bodied mollusk (= invertebrate animal) which leaves their shell after their larval stage. They are famous and loved for their often extraordinary colors and striking forms. There are more than 3,000 described species of nudibranches. The word "nudibranch" comes from the Latin nudus, naked, and the Greek brankhia, gills.
Diving nudibranch
Nudibranch Sardinia
While in Sardinia we were told that nudibranches in the Mediterranean sea love cold water and when the summer start they are more rarely sighed, but we were still lucky enough to discover and see different ones:-) The biggest one is the so called in Italian "vaccheta di mare" (the white with the balk dots, literally the "sea cow"). It can reach up to 10 cm.
Diving Sardinia nudibranch
Sardinia diving
Most of the them are however really tiny, from 0,5 to 2-3cm. The bright and impressive colours are signal for predators that the soft body contains venom. This is also their only protection...
Mediterranean nudibranch diving

Thursday 14 July 2011

Orgosolo, the mural paintings village of Sardinia

Orgosolo Sardinia
The tiny an difficult to reach village Orgosolo is located in the mountainious middle of Sardinia. Nowadays it is famous for its over 120 mural paintings /murales, which depicts social, political and cultural problems from the last and current centuries...
Orgosolo Sardinia
Orgosolo Sardinia
The first of all murales here was painted in 1968...Sometimes its about events in Sardinia, sometimes its about European or worldwide troubles. The walls were the scene for different artists through the years to show their opinions and thoughts!
Orgosolo Sardinia
Orgosolo Sardinia

Monday 11 July 2011

The underwater world in Sardinia: crustaceans

Diving Sardinia
Sardinia crustacean crabUnderwater one may meet several different species: not only fishes, but also crustaceans (such as individuals from the crabs and lobsters), cephalopods (an example are the octopuses from my previous blog entry) and or the tiny and colourful nudibranches, Today I will show you some impressively beautiful crustaceans. In my selection you may find the hermit crab, the slipper lobster, the crayfish..
The slipper lobster (second picture) is not a real lobster, despite its name. It is however eatable. some species in Australia are called "bug". This kind has tons of different names: shovel-nosed lobster or spanish lobster, mudbug or sandbug, sometimes even flathead or bulldozer lobster:-)) The one we met had edges of its body coloured in purple...
Above is Nico holding the empty houses of two sea urchins... A Specialty in some restaurants here is "spagetthi ai ricci di mare" (pasta with sea urchin). Of course not only the people but also other sea inhabitants love them.
Some funny info about the hermit crab (first and last picture) : As the hermit crab grows in size, it has to find a larger shell and abandon the previous one. This habit of living in a second hand shell gives rise to the popular name "hermit crab", by analogy to a hermit who lives alone.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Diving with "polpi"/octopuses next to Tavolara, Sardinia

The emerald sea around the three islands Tavolara, Molara and Molaretto (in the North of Sardinia) is an amazing nature reserve, called "Tavolara and Capo Coda Cavallo Marine Park". Laura, our friendly diving master from Sardinia, had this very funny dry suit, with the ears on the head...
The underwater world in the park is very beautiful. During only one day we met/ saw 7 octopuses! Some of them were sleeping in their holes. One could see just their eyes and the breathing opening next to the eyes. One "polpo" was not afraid at all and made a big show by stretching slowly all his 8 tentacles.