Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Bloemenvlucht/ flower fields flight in april 2014 with LionAir

After seeing the flower fields from close and inside we were curious to see them again from up in the air. As last year we contacted the friendly and professional LionAir and book one hour "bloemenvlucht". With Michel as pilot we flew over Leiden, Keukenhof, Lisse, Noordwijkerhout and then along the coast: Wassenar, Scheveningen, Monster and Rotterdam...Again an amazing experience and perfect weather with fantastic colours!

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Tulips in Flevoland 2014, Noordoostpolder is a colourful corner to see!

Second half of April tons of tourists come over to the Netherlands to see the spring park Keukenhof and also the flower fields. Most of them however only travel around in Bollenstreek, the flower-bulb-area between Leiden and Haarlem. HOWEVER there are some amazing tulip fields a bit more north in Flevoland. The wide and long fields in this flat and new Dutch province are perfect for growing of potatoes and .... flowers! There is space, abundance of colours and guess what: no other tourists. So if you are curious to spot and photograph some amazing tulips fields just drive to Noordoostpolder and enjoy the view. There are also sign for a bike tulipfestival-route, so you cant get lost:-)

Monday 21 April 2014

Lauwersmeer hike-tour after tea-time at the Theefabriek

While most people were busy searching chocolate eggs or eating real ones this weekend, we went for a short nature tour in the north of the Netherlands. The provinces north of Amsterdam: Friesland and Groningen are lovely places to get in touch with nature, bike, hike, meet some happy sheep and other wildlife. Lauwersmeer, a national park, builds a partial border between the two provinces.
The Easter Sunday started with brunch at the beautiful Theefabriek, the only teamuseum (and tearoom) located in the old church-building of the cozy village Houwerzijl. I have reported about this great place 3 years ago here. After being spoiled there with delicious teas and food, the adventurous visitors (as us) went to Kollumerwaard and met the nature guide Klaas. He took us for a 7-km-walk in the National Park area and explained us patienly and lovingly about the birds, plants, trees, toads and other living beings we encountered on our way. Herewith a  big Bedankt (thanks) to the singing birds, colourful butterflies and Klaas for the knowledge!

Sunday 6 April 2014

Spring 2014 in the Netherlands: flower fields with daffodils, hyacinths and tulips

Hyacinths field, Holland 2014

The Netherlands never seize to amaze me! Here we have the online "buienradar" (literally "storm radar") telling us in how many minutes next rain or storm is coming, very practical when you are by bike...When you have a drink with friends you may spot the funny "zonnenradar" (sunshine radar) on some beer bottles (most probably to remind the Dutch that they get sunburnt quiet easily)... and in the spring we have the "bloemenradar"-page (flower radar), showing people in pictures how many flowers are already out! So after learning and checking the flower radar on Friday I made my weekends plan:-)

Spring has been very nice, gentle and warm with us this year, here in the low lands! The great and sunny March invited all spring bulb flowers to come outside the ground earlier than usual (and aslo much earlier than last year)! Already for two weeks colourful flower carpets decorate the famous Bollenstreek between Leiden and Amsterdam. Here are the visual proofs of the flower-photo-tour! Enjoy the colours!
Dandelion details

Tulip fields next to Noordwijkerhout